Monday, July 6, 2020

Nepotism As trend


Synonym of Nepotism is favouritism which basically means favouring your own people in order to facilitate their work. This is a phenomenon practiced worldwide and a wildly practiced phenomenon or in other words it can be said that inbuilt in genes of human beings. The discrimination that  we  see being in our caste system, religious order, gender and race conflicts etc. is nothing but another form of Nepotism. It is ironic that people in India have taken up guns against Nepotism and are discussing it at every platform, solely targeting the Bollywood industry, as if it is a specific problem found only in the film industry. Strange. Indian social, political and cultural structure is based on discriminations and hierarchical power structures leading to Nepotism. Let’s just have a look at our family structure: mostly Indian family practice female discrimination, untouchability, that definitely acts as a deterrent in the way of the females getting good jobs and a secured, comfortable life.

The reason why will dislike Nepotism is because a more talented person gets overlooked or sidelined and fails to get work due to lack of contacts with influential people. 

It is exactly similar to what is being practiced in the Indian culture since thousands of years. And ironically Nepotism is popular,everybody wants to fight it but  no ones wants to address and attack the patriarchal mindset from which it is originating. 
Why is this practice not getting stopped?

It will not stop unless we educate and work with awareness. It also demands a socially secure system that oerates as a whole and consider each and everyone equally. A system in which roles are pre defined and practiced according to society i.e. societal roles need to be interrogated and introspected. Because these societal roles encourage discrimination and that gives birth to favouritism, groupism leaning on our superiority and  Privileges. 

If we want to stop Nepotism seriously, we need to stop discriminations based on gender, caste, religion and race as fixed identities. it also means that we need to demand a strong social security system for all, so that we do not need to side with our prejudices and feel the need to help our close ones.

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